
there will be something here in the future but dont put me on a deadline its done when its done, no osem



Zahl means number in german and we like to speak a little german every now and then and a gain like a yellow egg it geeps be going to be good with numbers, and german like outterbecker and he said umriss all the time so let me give you one quick here, this is a hash something like a number table or something so you can try and claim a number, we have 2^32 numbers here you know, but only one can know the secret! or at least there is only one given secret to each number! and when you want to change it you get a new one! we dont know your secret! we cant know, we coiuld, but we dont want to, its not our style

Amt means office in german, like we said we like german, and you could see this site as a (see the .org) as an organisation which likes numbers and likes to keep them and kinda own them


here you can submit your hashes, trying to claim a anumber, we are still in beta so all results will be lost until we say so ok?!


here yoiu can get a new password when you tell us the number and the old password we gave you when you submitted or something ok? simple

header a: number, header b: your password


exeuxe the silly german pun, we stick with the theme, so this is the whole list of numbers!


THIS corrseposnds to the numbers from zahlen line by line, so each one is unique! and the seed will never change!


here you can get the current nonce that MUST be at the beginning of each submittet hash

and it goes a little somethi8ng like this

so in submit.php you need the header : "Zahlen" set to your solutions you want to put in, seperate them with a tilde you know the ~ uwu example: "Zahlen: 634345~634634~5646464";
yoiu can get the required leading zeros on the settings.php page, remember to put the nonce.php first! so when the nonce is UMRISS__55 your submissions must look like this UMRISS_55sg4j34tjdfd~UMRISS55_gsfdgdfg and so on;

we play it fast and loose so to get one number you will onlys need maybe one hour of your time? i dont know, depends on how you solve it, but for the beginning i thought 2^16 times a sha256 with 16 leading zero bits, thats whats in the settings right? im still developing and gonna mine of course myself !

so now sunny, but dont get me wrong, when you submit you will know when you were right because you will get a response like this "hi yourpassword somebullshitnumber your_own_personal_number", if you get sad faces you did something wrong, they get worse the less wrong you are and closer to the solution of hitting it right sometimttes they say whats wrong so lets go, i go with node maybe

official launch will be on 1. MAY

then i will reset database and everone can start hashing away at theirr time and get some rest, take it easy, its tag der arbeit